Coconut is a very tasty and nutritious fruit of the coconut tree (coconut palm) which is widely consumed in India. There are hundreds of types of coconut in this country. Coconut water is very useful for the health of the body. Coconut usually does not cause any side effects. Coconut contains a lot of calories, various vitamins and minerals. 400 grams of coconut meat provides almost all the vitamins and minerals the body needs in a day. Coconut meat contains saturated fatty acids such as lauric acid and bioactive compounds that have many benefits for the health of the body. Coconut is a good source of copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium and zinc (zinc). Coconut is also a good source of folate, niacin, thiamin and pyridoxine.
Amazing benefits and uses of coconut for health
Diabetes control
Coconut contains a lot of fiber; So that it provides 61% of the necessary fiber for the body. The fiber in coconut slows down the release of glucose and transports it to the cells. Glucose is converted into energy in the cells. Fiber helps reduce pressure on the pancreas and enzyme system, which is important in reducing the risk of diabetes. Coconut helps to release insulin and use blood glucose. This fruit manages diabetes by having a positive effect on hormones to control blood sugar. This slows down the rise in blood sugar levels.
Prevent premature aging
Cytokines and kinetins in coconut have anti-cancer and anti-aging effects on the body. This means coconut fights aging and cancer.
Strengthen the immune system
Coconut nutrients are great for the immune system. Coconut has anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties. Consuming coconut oil can help the body resist disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Eating raw coconut can be effective in treating some diseases such as throat infections, bronchitis, urinary tract infections and other diseases caused by microbes.
Reduce belly fat
If you’ve tried all the other ways, but your belly fat hasn’t melted, consider adding coconut to your diet. One of the properties of coconut is to remove belly fat. Belly fats are dangerous fats that lead to various diseases. Consuming 200 grams of coconut per day can significantly reduce body mass index (BMI) and waist size in just 12 weeks.
Increase the general health of the body
People who consume coconut every day are healthier than those who do not eat this fruit. In order to strengthen your body’s health and ward off diseases, include coconut in your diet.
Increase energy
Coconut helps increase energy in the body by burning fats. The triglycerides in coconut oil increase energy consumption in the body within 24 hours and lead to long-term weight loss. Coconut is also helpful in reducing the feeling of hunger. People who consistently use coconut products can go without food for several hours without experiencing hypoglycemia. Coconut also helps improve thyroid function and relieve symptoms of extreme fatigue.
Epilepsy treatment
Ketogenic diet is one of the types of diet in which people should consume few carbohydrates. This diet is used to treat various diseases. Following this diet is recommended for children with epilepsy. In this diet, you should consume a small amount of carbohydrates and a large amount of healthy fats such as coconut oil. This issue leads to an increase in the amount of ketone bodies (ketone bodies) in the blood. This diet significantly reduces seizures in children with epilepsy.
Fight against cancer
Another property of coconut is the fight against cancer. Nutrients in coconut have been proven to have anti-cancer properties. Coconut especially helps in the treatment of colon and breast cancers.
Keeping the body hydrated
Keeping the body hydrated is very important. Coconut water contains important electrolytes that help maintain body water levels. People who exercise or have a lot of physical activity should consume coconut water as much as they can. Coconut water replaces the electrolyte lost in the body and hydrates the body. In addition, it increases the reactions of the body’s immune system. Coconut water is a better alternative to regular water because it tastes better and has more nutrients.
Prevention of urinary tract infection
Coconut is naturally diuretic and therefore can be effective in treating urinary tract infections. This tropical fruit increases the flow of urine and thus helps you to get rid of the infection naturally.
Improving blood cholesterol and heart health
Coconut helps improve blood cholesterol levels in the body and reduces the risk of heart diseases. As you probably know, high cholesterol is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The saturated fatty acids in coconut increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL). This helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
Strengthening the health of pregnant women
Coconut has benefits for pregnant women. This drink strengthens the immune system and the health of the mother and fetus and prevents infections and other diseases. Another benefit of fresh coconut is that it increases the level of amniotic fluid and improves the general health of the fetus.
Strengthen teeth and bones
Eating coconut regularly helps to build healthy bones and teeth. Coconut increases the body’s ability to absorb calcium and manganese. The two mentioned minerals help the growth of bones and also help prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that leads to thinning and brittle bones, as well as loss of bone mineral density. This property of coconut can help people who are lactose intolerant to receive calcium and magnesium.
Improve the digestive system
Coconut has a lot of fiber, and for this reason, it increases the volume and frequency of defecation, thus helping to maintain the digestive system. Since coconut is high in fat, it helps the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. In addition, the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut meat have been shown to promote beneficial gut bacteria, which may protect you against inflammation and complications like metabolic syndrome.
Fight against dry skin
Local use of coconut oil prevents dryness and flaking of the skin and keeps it soft and moist. Coconut oil also repairs damaged skin. This oil reduces the severity of atopic dermatitis. Topical use of coconut oil cleanses the skin and eliminates toxins, fungi and bacteria on the outer layers of the skin.
Increase blood circulation in the skin
Increasing blood circulation is another property of coconut. Eating coconut increases oxygen in the skin and helps improve blood circulation in the skin. Our cells need oxygen. The necessary oxygen for the cells is provided only if the blood circulates well in the body.