Strawberries are not actually a berry and are scientifically classified as side fruits of the berry branch. Strawberries are recommended to reduce heart diseases and have medicinal properties due to the presence of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, and fiber. Therefore, it makes the skin and hair healthy and can help to lose weight and improve digestion. This fruit regulates blood sugar levels, increases the immune system and reduces cholesterol.
Amazing benefits and uses of Strawberry for health
1. Prevent heart diseases
Strawberries are rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are plant compounds that are beneficial for the body and prevent heart diseases. The flavonoid quercetin present in strawberries gives it anti-inflammatory properties and it seems that because of the presence of this substance, consumption of strawberries is effective in reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis.
2. Preventing stroke
Studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the antioxidants in strawberries and the risk of stroke, and by consuming strawberries, the risk of stroke can be reduced to a moderate level.
3. Prevent cancer
The powerful antioxidants present in strawberries can destroy free radicals and stop the growth of tumors. Also, the presence of these antioxidants are effective in reducing body inflammation. While no fruit is known to be a direct cancer cure, strawberries, and berries in general, can significantly help reduce the risk of cancer in some people.
4. Lower blood pressure
Strawberries are rich in potassium, and this makes them lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Also, the consumption of strawberries can compensate for the lack of potassium in the body and eliminate the negative effects caused by its deficiency. Strawberries are a sweet and fiber-rich fruit and help people on different diets to include more potassium in their diet in addition to providing their body with healthy sugar and necessary fiber.
5. Treatment of constipation
Consuming fruits such as strawberries, grapes, watermelon and cantaloupe, which have a lot of water and fiber, helps the digestive system to function better, especially the intestines. Don’t forget that consuming fiber is essential for minimizing constipation and healthy bowel function.
6. Diabetes control
Strawberry is a suitable fruit for people with diabetes. The high fiber content of this fruit prevents the sharp rise and fall of blood sugar and is effective in regulating and stabilizing the blood sugar level. The fiber in strawberries makes you feel full and helps people with diabetes stay full longer after a meal. Consuming this fruit is effective in reducing the desire to consume snacks and snacks, manages the amount of glucose in the body and reduces the risk of blood sugar increase.
7. Strengthening the health of pregnant women
Researchers have proven that the consumption of folate during pregnancy is very important and can eliminate neural tube defects of the baby and help the health of the pregnant mother. Therefore, doctors always recommend the consumption of strawberries among the fruits and foods that the pregnant mother eats. They feed, have special attention.
8. Reduction of uterine cancer
Correct and appropriate consumption of strawberries can reduce the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer and reduce it to the minimum possible level. The acidic and alkaline property of strawberry disinfects the uterine canals and in this way any tumors, fungi, bacteria, etc. are destroyed. In fact, the antioxidant present in this fruit reduces the growth rate of all types of tumors and fungi, and because of this, you will be less likely to get ovarian and uterine cancer.
9. Prevention and treatment of colds
If you have a cold, fever, sore throat and cough as the most common diseases, you can count on the properties of strawberries. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, and by strengthening the body’s immune system, it causes rapid recovery from colds and also cures cough and fever. On the other hand, by constantly eating strawberries, you will have a strong body and you will always be safe from colds and flu.
10. bone strengthening
When you enter the middle age period, you will witness pain in joints and bones, especially doing hard and exhausting work. In addition to genetic factors, diet, living conditions and age are also not without influence and cause bone and joint problems. Of course, the intensity and extent of it are different among people, and each of them should think of a special plan for this basic problem. On the other hand, osteoporosis and bone marrow cancer have fueled this issue and increased the importance of prevention and treatment of this common and important disorder. In this regard, it should be said that the properties of strawberries, in terms of having a lot of antioxidants, reduce free radicals in bones and joints.
11. Increasing men’s health
Strawberries contain antioxidants and vitamin C, antioxidants increase blood circulation in men and are beneficial for sexual health, and vitamin C is also considered to increase the number of sperm in men.
12. Weight Loss
Antioxidants in strawberries are good for weight loss. Strawberry is one of the anti-inflammatory foods and has the ability to lose weight. The presence of anthocyanins, which are actually the main antioxidants, increase hormone production and burn fat. Therefore, people who exercise or who have started a diet and a fast weight loss diet, must benefit from strawberries in between their meals.